Scottish Labour Debates on Covid-19 Testing and Additional Support for Tourism and Hospitality

Scottish Labour is leading two crucial debates today firstly urging the Scottish Government to roll out routine covid-19 testing for all health and social care workers and secondly to provide additional support for Scotland’s tourism and hospitality sectors during the pandemic.

We’ll argue for routine testing for those who are the backbone of our healthcare system. Without health and social care workers, the most vulnerable people in our society, people we love and care for, would be left behind, without being able to access adequate support.

It is time to prove with our actions that we value their work, their selflessness and compassion by ensuring that they are and feel safe when they go to work to care for our loved ones.

So we urgently need the Scottish Government to deliver regular testing for all health and social workers.

We are also calling on the Scottish Government provide addition support for Scotland’s Tourism and Hospitality Sectors during the covid-19 pandemic.

Tourism and hospitality make a significant contribution not only to our economy but to the health and wellbeing of workers. Both sectors enhance the cultural vibrancy of Scotland and help create open and multicultural communities.

In Edinburgh we have 70,000 workers in the hospitality sector alone. The Scottish Government needs to provide additional support and protect jobs, livelihoods and the future of these industries.