Scottish Government debate
Areas where we wanted to see more from the Scot Government’s programme for government: (i) increased pay & national terms & conditions for all our care workers, (ii) investment in green infrastructure & transport, (iii) tackling child poverty & the education attainment gap.
Members’ Business: The Human Right to a Health Environment
Biodiversity, air pollution, local, attractive green spaces, carbon-proofing our procurement & food industry are key in tackling health inequalities & delivering sustainable development. You can watch my contribution here.
Debate: Climate Change Plan
This week’s debate on climate emergency was excellent. It was great to speak as Scottish Labour new Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Campaign Cabinet member. Our next parliament must focus on tackling our climate emergency through decarbonising buildings, supporting community low carbon projects, incentivising existing home owners, investing in new green infrastructure & jobs, …
FMQ on support to festivals and performers
Following a meeting with Edinburgh Festivals, I asked the First Minister about support to keep festivals & performers going, in light of yesterday’s arts & culture consequentials from the additional £408m allocated in the UK budget & the need for effective communication between Edinburgh Festivals & Scot Gov to allow planning for safe live & …