
Edinburgh Labour Students

  Like many my involvement in political campaigning started with Labour Students, so it was a pleasure to welcome Edinburgh Labour Students into the Scottish Parliament. I am delighted to see the talent and energy in the current generation of Scottish Labour Students. I am excited to work with them in the future.

Aberfan Memorial in Danderhall

On the 21st October I was humbled to attend the Aberfan Memorial in Danderhall. It is important to remember the disaster that unfolded 56 years ago resulted in 144 deaths. Aberfan was just one injustice faced by our mining communities, the fight to address that injustice continues today.

visit to Queen Margaret University

It was a pleasure to meet with students and staff at Queen Margaret University. Many students are struggling to find a flat and cope with eye watering energy bills and inflation. We need action now to support students as the cost of living crisis tightens its grip on people in Scotland