Wellbeing and Sustainable Development (Scotland) Bill
For too long we have seen policies that prioritise short-term outcomes with no or little regard for their long term-implications. The unfolding climate crisis demonstrates the importance of government’s acting in a way that meets the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations.
That involves working together both at home and abroad. That is why I have proposed this Members Bill, to ensure that we work together to create a fairer, more sustainable future.
My Members Bill has three broad aims, it would:
1. Place new definitions of sustainable development and wellbeing into legislation.
2. Establish a Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Commissioner.
3. Introduce new public definitions and strengthen existing duties.
Following an extensive consultation process I was pleased to lodge my final proposal on the 7th November 2023. You can read all the consultation responses by clicking the link below.